i need new musik
Hombres bisexuales, cómo ha sido su experiencia con mujeres hetero?
How common is it for Latin Americans to claim the culture of another since they’re both Latino?
How often do you guys shower?
What makes Pulp Fiction (1994) so amazing?
How do you feel about "nonviolent" bullfighting?
What was your first book?
Quiero ser Femboy?
Best albums where I don't understand a word of it
Do… Do I touch it?
What Is the reason for disk 2 in kid a mnesia?
The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 1
Why do you care about other peoples opinions?
¿Qué hacen cuando les duele la cabeza como lrpm?
whats the first thing you see when you look at my painting
Detuvieron a una mujer en Mar del Plata por tener sexo con un perro en la vía pública: el animal quedó en adopción
True story.
Hice bien en dejarlo?
Which colour has the best music?
Excluding Pablo Honey which I don't wanna do a full listen of, I only have these left to complete my Thom Yorke/bands-where-Thom-Yorke-is-the-singer album journey
Vi esta frase en la calle, ¿Qué opinan?
Hombres, Slip o boxer, que prefieren?
Yo estoy loco, o ahi se puede ver a 2B?
Día 9: ¿Qué personaje/celebridad argentina es una persona horrible y odiada por todos?
How often do you all work out or exercise?