Which is the best way to evade a beak thing?
Base location near the eye?
Apparently npcs can run away in a losing fight???
Favorite places to make your base
How long would it take to max out athletics ?
I tried to make a child. What do you think?
Settling in Okran’s Valley?
Modded weapons order (in smithy)?
Deborah Degobah the 2nd and her baby pet Skin Spider, Yogurt :)
Training dummy spawned in a weird place
How to make a town, asking for tips
I've reworked (almost) all the NPCs - and added something experimental. (I'd love to get some opinions and feedback)
Shek diplomacy at its finest
Sniping off nobles
Does looting fallen NPCs affect their faction reputation?
Who else indeed?
I just meet Emperor Tengu...
"Unique characters" and more "Unique characters"...
Medium armor...?
Why does everyone say that mining is the best way to start the game? Here's what you should be doing.
I am clearly the best at this
Why did my goblin die when I'm nowhere CLOSE to them 😭😭 This is the second time it happened and it was during a pirate invasion I'm pretty sure
🐚 seahorse breeding 🐚
Rate my build
Green lost it (Bug)