Aktuelle Sonntagsfrage FORSA
I think i can finally put my finger on why the AI precision annoys me so [Discussion]
Viele neue Migranten haben kein Benehmen. Sagen alteingesessene Migranten. Was die Einwanderungsstadt Wuppertal erzählt über ein Einwanderungsland, das mit sich hadert.
AITA for not giving my late brother's wife access to money meant for my nephew during an emergency?
Is it possible to have 1B storage loot value ? im jealous .
Micro stutter - fixed?
Wall Stuck [OC]
"Er wusste nichts": Trump erklärt Biden-Begnadigungen für "ungültig"
Bundestagswahl: BSW bleibt trotz Nachzählung unter fünf Prozent
Donald Trump declared Biden’s pardon of the Jan. 6 committee members “void” and “vacant”
To keep it hidden
first shot with a different weapong always stutter
Judge blocks Trump from using 18th-century wartime act for deportations
It’s happening guys
Ukrainian streamer Misha Lebiga has just completed a 6-day, non-stop livestream aimed at raising funds for drones. His incredible effort resulted in collecting 10.5 million UAH ($250,000), which will be used to produce 450 drones.
Seeing as how Anakin was supposed to be celibate and their marriage was a secret, who did Padme tell people was the father to her unborn children?
Chinese Navy drills around The Coast of Australia
Gesellschaftliche geopolitische Analyse der MAGA Aktie TESLA. Und warum es sehr braun aussieht für die Aktie. Der Support könnte ruckartig komplett zusammenbrechen
Document Secret
Wer shortet Tesla mit mir?
Der größte shortseller von Tesla ist übrigens Bill Gates, dieser versucht schon seit einem Jahr Tesla zu shorten
Die schmerzvollsten 5 Stunden meines Lebens
Warum benutzt dieser Sub hauptsächlich Knockout statt Optionsschein?
Please don’t be like these people
TIL Before her marriage to Mao Zedong, Jiang Qing was an actress in 1930s Chinese cinema. Her co-star an actress named Li Lili frequently upstaged her. Decades later during the Cultural Revolution, Jiang ordered the arrest and torture of Li and her husband. Li survived but her husband did not.