Having a allegorical view of Genesis 1-11 doesn't mean I don't understand Jesus. I love Jesus just fine, thank you.
Solomon’s total disregard of Deuteronomy 17
Oof. Nothing like downvoting someone into oblivion for having a different interpretation
What is your favorite Christian movie?
Based on a true story of someone saying you can only read the Bible literally or you are not a Christian.
A question about “the second Adam” for those who view creation through the lens of theistic evolution!
My issue with Evolution
The theory of Evolution = Be fruitful and multiply
The eclipse doesn't mean 3 days of darkness.
Please tell me anything about this bronze
Is Stealing in games a Sin?(Explained)
Is the three days of darkness actually coming??
How confident are you Jesus is still coming back? And do you believe the dead will rise again?
How to Win Debates Without Thinking
At least his daughter will be glad he is home
Suffer not the tyrant.
This is just a question out of curiosity. Do you think we’ll be able to live in the NEW Heaven? Or at the very least visit?
If I live to the next century, 2100. I'll have spent it in a journey with My God.
Reading the Bible makes you an Atheist(?)
Adam & Eve Children
The one excludes the other
Do yall think judgement day is near?
I'm a corn addict and want to stop, pls help me!
Odd conspiracy theories about giants and other cultures as of late.