Behaviour score experiment, part 1
Can we please have more strict behavior score penalties
Anyone experience weird comm score drop recently
Comm score feels broken
Help a brother out with referrals 🙏. Pretty please
Fake or real??
Are either fake? Both different colours
Patch today!?
What are the chances this is a small patch and a delay
My Target had a restock today but...
Guys don't worry about patch, there will be an announcement soon saying will drop in mid-late April
We all should cancel Valve games with our wallets.
Hopes for act 4
Secret Mission? [ACT III]
Marci - Kawaii Brawler [Cosmetics Set]
For the Devs
[MEGATHREAD] Ask for playtest invites here
Someone add my steam and help me get a code please.
Smurfs and Acc Buyers rant
Dota 2 Rank System Is Outdated: Immortal Numbers(7380) Overshadow All Other Ranks.
Why is Slark so bad in patch 7.36?
Need some suggestions.
Crownfall Map Guide
Crownfall Guide Part II
First time I got a skin with some particle effect. Is it worth something?