Minigun is underwhelming
Questionable minigun feature
Haha swords go brrrrt
Ayo Alfa Acta MFs, This your guy???
The scariest thing to run into on a melee playthrough.
Huge Winch Nerf Coming
Stupid hypothetical battle; who would win : a 25meter long SCP-682 VS a an Ageis 24 Scorch with all his kit equipped
Whats a good bossmonster to tell my players that they need to leave NOW.
Cyberpunk Cybertruck
It's happening, guys...
Saburo Arasaka was chosen as a horrible person that is hated by fans. The chart is now complete!
Yorinobu Arasaka was chosen as a morally grey character that is hated by fans. Who is a horrible person that is hated by fans? (Final day)
There are Kiwis being brainwashed into giving Destiny double of what most people are giving. This is sad.
Kiwi gamers - What are we playing right now?
How could an infinite, flat plane world have a sun or moons?
New citizen’s arrest powers excite Destiny Church’s Brian Tamariki as Retail NZ warns policy could lead to deaths
Give me your best anti-necromancy argumnents
Citizen’s arrest powers to be expanded amid rise in retail theft
Sweet Liberty is a great place to start with a few of the most popular brands in the world
i got 76, book says 28
The rest of the game vs the Adam Smasher fight
Respectfully, Miri Fajta is hell and the Voivode is the fucking worst
[KCD2] How to find belladonna (Savior Schnapps receipt)
Seymour pushes for privatisation: 'Govt hopeless at owning things'