I Found it! "Meloetta's Moonlight Recital" and "Search for the Rinka Berries" on DVD! (Read top Comment)
Here is a Link to Learn, In-Depth, About GameShark Hacking for Many Different Devices.
I Found Some 12 Digit GameShark Codes for Japanese Pokemon Sapphire
Shiny Pokemon 12 Digit GameShark Codes for Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
My Japanese Wii U Just Dance Game Came in Today! This is my First Attempt at Meloetta's Song!
Gameboy Advance GS + gbxrw update
Peak love interest
She Finally arrived today!
Pricey princess collection
Bocchi the 3DS theme is out!
I Made a Custom 3DS Meloetta Theme!
Will street pass be available even after no more multiplayer?
Have you pulled/Will you pull N? And why?
Pokemon esmeralda - gameshark ralts shyni
Welp. After sitting for so long, it decided to do this:
On what device do you play Pokémon Ruby on?
Is this a Tom or a hen?
All the Event Islands for Pokemon Emerald Have Been Found for a 12 Digit Karabiner GameShark SP!
I never see anything about GC Action Replay
Homura is using her best pick-up line 🗣️
Did you clear your Madoka Magica collab? [Fluff]
I was Able to Regain Access to my 7+ Year Old Account!
Pokemon Editing Tool PKSM. Used for any DS and 3DS Pokemon Game.