Might as well go hard
How do you FIND 6e?
Military drug test
Experiences while micro dosing mushrooms
Great start but fizzled out
Peru - Questions/Meetups
Considering Commissioning
Anyone else struggle with wide feet?
MEPS in the morning
Made my first big mistake at work.
Don't Drive on Shrooms.
Did the navy change you for the better or the worse?
I’ve been questioning my sexuality a lot lately
Grappling Shorts
That first bad trip will humble you
First time growing in a while. I forgot how beautiful they are 😢
My bag isn’t regrowing. Was full, I mixed it up, it has taken weeks to get this far. I may be keeping it too cool?
Does anyone happen to know what’s going on with this lil fella?
This took a poop on my day
What a funky lil mutation 😭
A day in the life of a mushroom