Dear rocket one tricks, he does not work in every situation
Adam's ult is fucking horrible
Hazard may be a little too strong right now
Ts did NOT get a single chuckle out of me 😭🙏
Users on r/comedycemetery try not to have a shitty take challenge (impossible)
It finally happened
We are so beyond doomed
Republiturds are finally showing their pride 🌈
The VA for D.Va, Charlet Chung was in an incident where was was treated horribly by WestJest airlines employees. (passenger included)
I feel like being autistic has heavily affected my gender identity, does anyone feel the same :((???
6V6 IS OFFICIALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for three weeks.)
Seriously someone fucking explain why the fuck girls go to the bathroom together
I really hope this isn't the November 11th announcement
What is the
I hate this country but at least my hair is nice
We will be a new country
Disgusting to see America hate women so much. I feel awful for the Dems, but the rest of you deserve what happens. Pity you had to bring the rest of the world down with you! My heart breaks for those who care about women and democracy
Random bullseye spots?
Autistic people who are happy/don’t wanna die. What are your tips.
I don't get what's the point of this qp hacked
Should solo's be pooled with wide groups?
It is what it is
Project 2025
Do they not understand white privilege.
Mistakes were made