Du ser jo sund og rask ud...
What is this type of craft called? I bought a really cool kit, where you stitch into large squares and create a design. I want to find more like this - but I don't think it's the same as cross stitching? :)
What weird instrument do you want to see included in a future song or the acoustic part of the shows?
Bedste matcha the?
What I used to do to people that asked me about kids
Min læge tager mig ikke seriøst
Following, Denmark, the US is now officially asking Germany for eggs
Hvordan kan jeg gjøre meg bedre forstått hos danskere?
AITH for telling my SIL to stand up to her husband?
USA beder Danmark om æg
Flag i tilfælde af en Dansk annektering af Californien
Danish and Swedish news aligned today;)
Extremely dehydrated
The number of people coughing openly in the public transport is mind boggling
What’s a name that’s been ruined for you just because you met 1 or too many jerks with that name?
AITAH for refusing to change my baby name choice because my friend "called dibs" on it?
Internationalt kendt historiker langer ud efter »sprogpolitiet« hos DR: [Slavegjort] Omstridt ord i dokumentar er »woke nonsens«
Diagnosed today, what should I know?
Sønderjylland eller Lolland?
Stadigt færre unge kan få foden indenfor: - Boligmarkedet er jo sygt
Vil give 17.000 borgere helt særlig rettighed: - Danmark er verdens værste land at være grønlænder i
Hvordan får man en stueplante i Danmark?
Would anyone from Denmark move to the US?
Not my story, but my husband's, still funny and MIL still laughs about it
Jura-eksperter: Influencere deler billeder af deres egne børn ulovligt