AITA for telling my sister to grow up?
Guys help me with my misconduct
Any $60 game of your choice [Steam]
AITA for refusing to attend my best friend's wedding because of her fiancé's actions?
Watch 500 hours of porn in one month. Your reward is ten years' salary if you are successful.
AITAH for not standing up for my pregnant fiancée who ate my daughter’s cupcake ?
AITA for telling a mom her son needs to toughen up?
Liz Kendall says young people will be pushed to join the army to cut youth unemployment
What job in the UK doesn't pay enough for the amount of work needed?
AITA for Wanting My Daughter to Stay With Me for a Year?
You’re serving on a jury for a case, in which a person killed their first born because a god told them to
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
Wife deleted Amazon account.
my roommate says you can leave hard boiled eggs out for 2 days???
I Like Big Books (800+ Pages)
Seeking Support
AITAH for not wanting my friends’ unvaccinated toddlers around mine?
Will an examiner let me use my car with this scratch on the windscreen
How to buy less ebooks? I'm so addicted to shop on amazon.
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
If I load books on my Kindle that I didn't buy from amazon, does the highlighting function work?
Reluctant 11 yr old reader finally hooked on Jurassic Park. Need more dino books like it!
People who only flush at the end when using the bathroom are disgusting
AITA for calling my gf a crazy liar when she said she was pregnant and send me this negative test?
how much do you spend a year