What’s your favorite game where you’re overpowered?
When is the templars civ avail for buying?
How much does it Cost to make a Civ in Age of Empires IV?
Not only do i feel dumb but also useless (:
To say gg or not say gg?
Whats wrong with 6*??
Gen Z is completely lost
If I can't win, you can't win mindset
"the lovers" tarot (artwork by me)
Yall wanna see some straight up bullshit?
Why are the costumes in Chapter 1 and the rest of the game so different?
Good ole quick match.
Adding mouth animation when talking in game
Average hunt player stepping outside during the day
Top 5 Buffy fights (non season finales)
Has anyone had much luck with random teammates using their mics? (EU Servers)
Is this normal?
New prestige: what’s your priority?
The most violent game you ever played
What’s the best way to deal with explosive arrows, explosive bolts, or bomb lances?
Randoms disconnecting upon death
Today's 48 BB Skin: The Long Hand for the Martini Henry
Dude had plot armor
Kids in Skyrim are the most killable kids in any game. AND YOU CANT KILL THEM
Why does iosefka have a entrance to forbidden woods in her backyard?