How to write (morally) Bad Brujah
Great skill specialties you’ve seen in play
How did you discover VTM?
Site suggestions to collate ST notes for NPCs, locations, relationships ect?
How to handle secret caitliff bane?
Nosferatu curse in V5 and it's implications on character concept.
our coterie 🩸 (art by me)
I created a GM tool for myself… and now it’s ready for everyone
Was I wrong, here? (I'm purple, friend is red)
Why do you, new and old players alike, play VTM?
Make assumptions about my Malkavian ( art by Isabell Bartnicki)
TPG Outage?
How to deal with plagiarism
Do we have a channel like Critical Role?
Why would your Nosferatu embrace?
Some of STPCs portrairts I drew for players in my chronicle. Would you trust them?
how I pass the time between each VTM session
[art by me] my OC for campaign
Assumptions about my Ventrue? (Art by my friend Sarah ^-^)
Worst House Rule
Maybe the real Flesh Craft, were the friends we made along the way? What’s the weirdest use of Visscitude You’ve experienced in game?
Cruel and creative ways to use flesh crafting
Realistically: What Clan do you think would be embraced into?
Can Vampires smoke?
High Priestess Tarot - Tacyjana (Tzimisce)