Are compounds enough for non long head triceps?
Plateaued on my lean bulk
If you do both, how much were you barbell squatting when you got your first pistol squat?
Why do some people talk so close to your face?
Visiting a dying person one last time-ok or not?
Best water type in your opinion
Sagging hip from lean bulk
Being an adult in this generation means you constantly have to worry about what bad things will happen to you
Tracking miscellaneous macros?
Anyone else stuck in loser mode
I don't have kids or pets but look how good my plant is doing! Adulting at the most minimum possible level.
Does everyone at some point get injured in their training journey?
Husband’s anal fetish
Forearm Tendonitis Advice
How often do you train abs?
So much nostalgia that I’m finding it hard to move on in this generation
Daily Discussion Thread - (February 06, 2025) - Beginner and Simple Questions Go Here
How do you do dragon flags
7 weeks out from my men’s physique debut
Golfers elbow.. is my lifting days forever over?
Does anyone do calisthenics + lifting?
I've had enough
Is only 3 exercises for leg day enough?
Build muscle with low reps but more sets with bench press?