How to fix my goggles
Raquel’s nose job- post op accident?
Concrete driveway/patio
any vets that can see me even just for a one time thing?
What is your *actually* unpopular Midnights opinion?
Boston Terrier puppy needs a name!
How Brain Tumors are removed
Mystery plant, NW Ontario zone 3.
Why do they call Hannah “Chaddha”? What’s the story?
NW Ontario stands 4ft tall
Where to purchase seeded/sprouted potatoes?
In case you want something to hate even more than the gender swapped BB16 cast...
Big Brotha
Threw out the ID marker.. what is this?
Northwestern Ontario mystery plant, multiplied like mad. About 8inches right now.
Mother's Day ideas
Coffee run at Tim Hortons
What's the most embarrassing/cringy thing you've accidentally shown someone, or something they accidentally saw while using your phone or computer?
that is not a sound that you hear on a daily basis
Cat Sounds Like a Lazer Beam
Does this count as a yell?
These things have been sprouting out all over the yard in Seattle. They have little bulbs as roots. What are they? Where did they come from? And should I get rid of them?
You are a Beautiful Labyrinth.
Bought it yesterday. Threw away the tag on accident. Started with a “D”.. appreciate your help!
NW Ontario, can’t remember what I planted
Found in the woods of NW Ontario, butterflies love it.