I play worse whenever I use the Rune Arc. Anyone else?
É foda ser o filho dedicado
😊 ds2
i want to know your top 5 or top 10 bosses in dark souls 1 to 3
Finalmente saiu !!
Hey dude! I got a big fish!
who tf said ds3 had no mind-blowing cliff scenery?
Sopa é janta?
What instantly kills your hype for a game?
I'm not even mad, that was amazing
Auntie Melony is very happy
não ficar bonita pra homem = destruir a própria vida
Sometimes even regular enemies feel like an epic battle.
So eu que acho a boss fight Ornstein e Smough uma bela porcaria?
What’s your favorite ost in the game? This includes bosses, random enemies etc. Base game and DLC
Just how rare is this attack?
This is my first playthrough. Are they really supposed to be THIS strong? lmao
Miojo com nuggets e uma coxa de frango
Is this enchantment good or should i change it?
Things I have made in inkarnate that aren't maps
Dark souls 1 is the best souls game
Fuck this challenge
Aparentemente eu virei o novo meme enorme do sub principal kkkkkkkkk
Easily one of the worst challanges
I beat this 🥷 booty so hard😭🙏🏽