FC Point Addiction
Which cards do you refuse to play with cause you don’t like the player in real life?
Festive fun is the worst rush event so far
A father confronts his son's bully. Another kids defuses the situation creatively.
Game at its peak?
Here is the Full lil Mari video. Chicago has a self snitching epidemic
will it get better?
Im Elite/Div1 and couldn’t even reach Odegaard
To the menu grinders and daily players - how’s your pack luck been this year?
My players do not respect me as a manager
Is precision shooting worth it?
Is Mullin any good?
“Free cards ruins the grind”
Game is literally back to pre TOTY state
The TOTY evos and high end SBCs have made me feel completely at ease about not packing TOTY this year
Stupidest player alive
Icons who surprised you
Anyone who did endrick for the toty blueprint
We finally had a game where slow players were usable (like real life). Now we're back to square one after the patch.
New update really exposing all the AI defenders
All my matches look like this now. AI defending needs to be better, it's a joke
New game tuning update
Blast from the past
What do you spend most time doing?
worst game ive played in my life