samira is weak (only if you want her to be weak)
Losing interest in the show on S4E3
When people say they 'sleep trained' and their baby now 'sleeps through the night' is that including dream feeds or counting them as still 'sleeping'?
What appliance brand to avoid?
Nap and night sleep
RE: can I get my dad's voicemails back?
When Bloodthirster first item let's you do some bullshit
Share your phrases!
Anyone struggling with Samira lately?
Getting my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday... Terrified.
What do you do if you have no “vision?”
Racist player in pre-game lobby
Disappointing: Google limiting third party app access to photos
Why are modern TVs so slow that if you press a sequence of buttons on the remote too quickly, the TV can't "keep up"?
One contractor recommended replacement windows with custom trim, the other full reconstruction. Can you folks help with the third opinion?
How do I fit a bigger refrigerator and dishwasher in this small kitchen? Would you sacrifice the adjacent half bath?
Bathroom Remodeling: What do you regret doing/not doing?
What is the point in getting a diagnosis?
All residential HVAC contractors are scum bags … change my mind
Cisco 9300-48ub Poe problem
Just had my daughter’s first bday party and already getting questions
Electric shavers. Let's talk about em.
After 12 years and 1434 levels I have just hit challenger for the first time
What the hell is going on man?