A dolphin playfully riding the bow wave of a ship
🔥 Rare footage of a Jaguarundi. This vocal, yet elusive feline is native to the Americas and sometimes referred to as the ‘otter-cat’. It has at least 13 distinct calls and is closely related to the Puma
🔥 A young elephant hears his name and decides to interrupt an interview
🔥 The gorgeous blue Antarctica view
The flash formations at a school sports event
The way Gentoo Penguins jump out of water
🔥 Owl: 😠
🔥 Rare sighting of the elusive Pincoya Storm Petrel distinctly dancing across the water's surface
A master Welder at work
🔥Male antlers shed annually to conserve energy during the food-scarce winter and regrow in spring, often larger and stronger.
🔥 Ice-skating under the moon and Northern Lights of Lapland, Finland
🔥 Elephant matriarch of buffaloes
🔥 Perseid meteor shower captured over Stonehenge - 📸 Josh Dury
🔥A Polar's Mother Watchful Eye🔥
Woman dressed as 'Handmaid' votes in Asheville, North Carolina
The Briggs-Rauscher Reaction – Oscillating Clock
Mitani-san and His Pet Tortoise Bon-chan
Border Collies sort black and white Ducks
🔥Stunning image of an Arctic Wolf testing a defiant bull Muskox - 📸 Ronan Donovan
Crow shares piece of bread with Mouse
Roller Pigeon spiral dive
🔥 Sky turns Purple in Florida due to Rayleigh and Mie scattering
Virpil vs VKB throttle for VR?
Unplugging the Tsujunkyo Aquaduct Bridge for irrigation
The 2024 September Controller News Digest