Ain’t no way 😂 a WHOLE space shuttle?
I’ll NEVER understand how some people hat/dislike Gene. He’s my favourite by such a long shot!
I think I may have Arfid
"Bad" Movies You Still Like
90s Ethan Embry Appreciation Post
Play how you want to and don’t listen to the Negativity. Please.
When you hear the word “Degrassi” what’s the one image that comes to mind?
what food(s) are you guys eating constantly right now?
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: N
Which Cartoon Character Represents Gluttony
Give me a pokemon and I’ll draw it from memory …
What's wrong here peta?
To no surprise, The Body takes our spot for saddest/most beautiful
Tried to edit Billie without sanpaku eyes
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: K
Where the Wild Things are, take our spot for worst episode
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: I
You can only pick one show
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: H
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: G
What bad movie do you legit enjoy?
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: F
We saw Everclear tonight and shook hands with Art Alexakis.
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: E
Dino Checks Out narrowly wins round 3! Day 4: What's the saddest/most beautiful Hey Arnold episode?