I am a mercenary inserted into the Knox county one week before the outbreak (Week One mod) with the goal of extracting after my missions are done (Wolf's extraction mod). You are HQ. What are my missions?
My injuries (no matter the source) are becoming infected instantly
My character is dying to almost any injury incredibly fast.
Why is my character dying so fast from an infection?
Do you play with Wandering Zombies mod? If so, what settings do you prefer?
Question about current state of the game
Modded RDR 2 is crashing upon first launch, but not the second
Theory on Randall
My friends and I are encountering a really bad bug related to sleeping
How has zomboid affected you IRL?
Will my rig be able to run SPTarkov
Has anyone else noticed that CDPR changed how interruptions in dialogues work? Before the update there used to be a pause when a person was about to interrupt someone. Now it happens fluently.
The Only Inevitable Kiss
Ghosting effect in games, any idea what setting is causing this?
How much Renown do I need until I start getting Vassalage offers?
[HIRING] Looking for an editor for gameplay videos
Professional Video Editing
[For Hire] Gaming Video Editor
Death to all Eldians! Glory to Marley! Who agrees with me?
This Titan was POINTLESS
People I genuinely want to know why you don’t think the current ending is awful.
I want to start a bandit playthrough, how would I go on about it?
English Tourist getting robbed in medina
What is a fun RP Goal to set for each start?