Question regarding returning DON!! cards
The horsemen of the end of times…
Swapped from OW - some differences I’ve noticed.
Awakening of the new era box
Pirate King buggy deck. Replace anything from the second page?
Price Spike on 2nd Anniversary BY Luffy Leader
My collection after a month of playing/collecting.
First Locals
Man does a kickflip in rollerblades
Do Americans really store their medicine in bathrooms?
Why do I wish pain on myself?
What is up with chess player Magnus Carlsen saying "Fuck you" to FIDE?
What is the best method for getting better cards?
Suppose if luffy died instead of ace. Now shanks is furious; SHANKS VS AKAINU, who would win? ( consider current power level)
Should healthcare be considered a basic human right or a privilege? What is your opinion?
Why are hate crimes punished more severely than regular crimes?
Hex Totem tattoo by Sydney Arena
2nd place Shanks deck for 2nd Anniversary tournament.
Someone teach me how to do this with a controller
Fair trade?
Accidentally afk for start of match. Mikaela wants to show me how it’s done
After 906 total hours I've finally P100d my main! Stardom achieved!
Bird up
Case of 09
Op010 Preorder