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are vegan protein and real meat protein the same thing?
shoutout to the one other person who ate my focaccia at the work potluck today
THIN layer version of the Vegan homemade ~Reese's~ [peanut butter chocolate cups] made with white chocolate and regular chocolate 🍫🥜
I think women period products should be free or at least tax free everywhere
What’s Your Go-to Vegan Kimchi Recipe you Swear By?
Starting ADF soon! help!!
How long is Shippuden?
Gens du domaine de la santé ou clientèle: avez-vous 《 des histoires prétendument d'horreurs 》 de comportements d'employé.e.s des établissements de santé?
Banning all kind of plastics for the packaging and conservation for stuff you find in grocery store is the way to go, andreplacing by glass container, since it can be remelted and reuse, it the way to do it.
Vegan Reese's at home! 🥜🍫
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Vegan donuts 🍩 from La Beignerie
I pad extra for ultra “thin” lenses and this is what I got
Salad is gross
i cant believe this! 125lbs down in 6 months
Do I have Knock Knees?
Admission au bac en droit
Thoughts on daily juices?
do i need to bulk or just lift more (16m)
Can someone confirm that these two graphics are accurate. I’m getting them tattooed on me and want to make sure they’re correct.
What is your Infinite Tsukuyomi dream?
Je suis pris dans un ascenseur à ma job, j'ai environ 1h a tuer AMA
Do good vegan protein bars exist?
[Unpopular opinion] Are you truly comfortable with a desk in front of a wall — cannot extend your legs underneath the floor table/desk