How to I keep this from happening to my pins?
Can I be punk and don't go to protests and similar?
Is there any way to look masculine while wearing a skirt?
My top 5 bottom 5 tier list! (is this good enough to not get canceled?)
Is it okay for a white person to cosplay a black character?
What is the best web/app to watch movies or series with your partner?
When we're talking about a wheelchair user, do I say "walking" or something else?
17 already!
Splatoon themed Kandi for my Girlfriend!
Alguien sabe dónde comprar pony beads? (Does anyone know where to buy pony beads?)
Please tell me happy birthday.
I need help to understand my feelings with someone.
Favorite character that got you like this
Any game recommendations for ps vita?
Favorite "weird" hear me out
Is i have no mouth and i must scream 163 pages or 13 pages long?
Korekiyo x kirumi guilty
Genuine question, as a trans girl, would I still be able to pull of an anya cosplay?
Comment your favorite Danganronpa character and I’ll execute you
Whats everyone got against Junko? Without her the series wouldn't exist to begin with?!
Okay but for real, how many of us are autistic, adhd or systems
How do i stop the AI from automatically translating the conversation to a different language
Does anyone know how to turn off the auto-translate option?
Quick question, how do i turn off the auto-translate?