93 / 100 Best Sports Moments of the last 25 years are about American sports or athletes
CEOs on Trump Team are shocked that he flip-flops on policies
“Only 2/3? I was expecting more. Maybe people I count as foreign-born are actually already second gen immigrants.” Users on r/bayarea react to finding 2/3 of tech workers were not born in the US
Only 7 / 100 moments are not about American sport or an American athlete
I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.
“The political spectrum”
r/Conservative user wants to "round up" anyone who has "TDS". Experts are divided on whether this is dangerous rhetoric!
The leopards are FEASTING
proof by… extrapolation?
"Computer, delete the fascist." Drama in /r/StarTrekMemes as Trump supporters take offense to a meme
“You need a Bath. Go cleanse your soul. and maybe pick up a book 🙄 MODERN slavery. Use your imagination, NPC.” Drama in /r/adulting as a user compares their full time job to being a slave
Yes this is my son, gay nerd
“Why do Indians want to be called Asian so badly”
"Silicon Valley built the modern world. Why shouldn't we run it?"
It was wrong of me to call out watching videos on his phone driving home from a bar
The audacity
Scotch and Irish Whiskey. . . All trash.
U/stult explains why no one should ever move to Dallas, TX
If major train stations are clean and modernized like this, would that remove the stigma towards public transit in the US?
Your top three minor characters and why?
u/86CleverUsername details how they don’t want to have kids, if they can’t provide the same resources they themselves grew up with
Indian-American Trumpies find out their side hates brown people
Researchers reveal what men and women envy in each other — and discover a new form of envy | Research found that women tend to envy men for their perceived social advantages and biological freedoms, while men envy women for their physical attractiveness and traditional roles, such as motherhood.
[OC] 2023-2024 Top Paying Companies for Software Engineers in Tech, Distributed by Level
NYC DOT throwing shade at LA Carbrain!