Look who’s back on the scene
Nathan & Gf
Jenelle’s newest post about Calendar
Pre-Nuptial Stigma
Nathan & His gf …..
Nathan & Gf Done?
Ari in prison?
Nathans IG post
You love to see it
Kenleigh’s Instagram
August put out a video interviewing the real girl friend. It’s like 22 minutes and on his Tik Tok account.
The liars instagrams (if they had it)
What does my handwriting say about me??
Baby Sasha
AIO - wanting my boyfriend to move in with me after he graduates
David and Jenelle cancel wedding pitchers because of an argument
The photoshop always catches me off guard
Jenelle’s live w August in Vegas hotel
yikes brooke
Have u seen GBF?
so insecure😭
Jenelle wants to try as many restaurants as she can “while she’s in Vegas”.
All the ppl mad that Netflix ain’t working for the fight tonight.
Jax & Brittany