Name me a tank chassis and a cannon and I'll try to draw this tank
How did he killed me? :O
What similar Movies are there to Stephen King's: The Mist?
IJW: The Mist (2008)
What is the most heart touching song for you?
No Bullets Fly! Purchased a set of decals to build a Bf 109G-6 in 1/32 as Franz Stigler's aircraft (co-protagonist of the Stigler-Brown incident)
found this
Moderatoren Arbeit in einer Nusschale
Red Porsche in the top left?
We lost epic style 😎
What's the most overrated sabaton song?
What is this red concept car at the Porsche warehouse?
Through the gates of hell, as we make our way to heaven--
Just finished painting this 1/1 10x14, what do ya'll think?
Thanks to this community
why does every kid say where they live???
Bald is vorbei damit
Rasizm is good 😈
Geht Wählen!
Its good to be back after almost 5 years!
I finally got the bloody peacekeeper
From a trip to Japan a couple of years ago
Ratschläge bei psychischen Problemen