Any idea what these are? 10s are popping up in my freshly planted flower beds!
Water bill £929 for a 3bed - is this normal?
Had a pallet left over from a soil delivery...
Reddit told me I needed more pond plants... 22 total now + some bunches coming!
Now have a total of 22 plants in my pond, so excited for Summer!
1000 spring bulbs for £29.99!!
Reddit told me I needed more pond plants... 22 total now + some bunches coming! (UK based)
Grow lights in green house? Yay/nay?
Do I need to repot these jalapeños/tomato's I got from Tesco?
Spring revamp, algea removed, topped up the soil in the pots + added stones to secure the soil.
Spring revamp, algea removed, plants topped up with soil + pebbles!
Do I have to repot pond plants or can I just leave them like this? - topped up with fresh pond soil + pond pebbles in top
Repotted some Tesco basil into three more pots, when can these go outside into a greenhouse?
Update on "what shall I plant here"!
First Bee of the year I've spotted, feeding on my crocus lawn 🥰
Ideas for what to plant in garden
Clover lawn is flowering! But how do I aerate this grass without damaging the bulbs in April?
Garden on a roll - cottage garden border
What would you plant under this window, in the ground?
Update, I planted all 500 and only two have flowered so far, pray for me!
250 crocus bulbs planted! Shame I ordered 500😂
Uk based, is it a thrush?
Help identifying birds for the rsbp bird watch! I'm in Hampshire, England, uk
Help identify this bird! I'm taking part in the bird watch and I'm not sure what it is
Thailand scuba diving (2-6 weeks)