FOUR more Marvel Omnibus expected to be announced for December 2025, SIX more for January 2026. (Starts around 31:00)
[KCD2] I never thought I'd give praise side by side with a Christian.
“What are you reading?” Wednesday.
Johnny Knoxville vs. Butterbean
Join The HellDads today!
Which of these two would win in a fist fight? No gadgets, suits, grappling hooks or batarangs. Just straight up fisticuffs
Hey chooms ! Here is the improved version of my previous post after taking into account some of the responses. You have now 500 000 €$ to build your dream team and attack the Crystal Palace. The rules are stated in my comment for more clarity. Enjoy !
What gun is this?
DC is bringing out the big guns and giving fans what they want: NEW DC OMNIS INCLUDING BATMAN BY TOM KING VOL 1!!!
Another planet has fallen.
This has probably been posted before but while playing I found a cool little death stranding Easter egg
New Tac-Pack idea.
Punisher relationships
My first omnibus. Gotta start somewhere.
Jon Bernthal on “Dark” Upcoming ‘Punisher’ Special: “It Will Not Be Punisher-Lite, I Promise You That”
Unexpected socialExperiment XD
Trophy of ALL limbs injured
Which Warbond for a new Diver?
Random features wishlist for DS2?
What omni in your collection do you know isn't that popular, or not respected, or maybe even all that good, but you're 100 percent glad you have it all the same
Thoughts on this game?
What’re the best beginner “one and done” omnibuses?
If you had to remove a POPULAR villain from Batman’s rouges gallery who would it be?
Platnium'd! Finally
Batman by Tynion