Thank you #Theonion 😂😂😂
And I never saw them again....
Mormons deny this doctrine, saying they can't find anything, but a quick Google search gives you results. I don't know if they're playing dumb?
The LDS Church donated $1.36 billion to charity aid, while Watchtower gave $6 million for disaster relief. A quick Google search will provide the answer, and yet they call us lazy learners.
I'm arguing with a TBM about Joseph Smith's claim of being a descendant of Jesus Christ. Has anybody else heard of this? Could you guys please provide a link?
Morgan Freeman after reading the restored gospel. 🙏
Big math problem in Jackson county.
FBI asked Hinkley-Do you have those forged documents from Hoffman? Hinkley-I don't have any idea what you're talking about? FBI-We have a list and the amount you paid. Hinkley-Oh you mean these documents.
Anyone here use Lucas fuel system or injector cleaner? Heard good things about it but not sure how beneficial it is for a Tacoma’s longevity/performance.
Just a couple of brothers taking a selfie! 🤳
Ex-Mormon Memes Captain Moroni "Caption This" Cup Chase
Mormon Magic TCG
Handicap parking
Possibly true
Rusty getting microchipped 💉
And all Temple worthy 😜
ONE above Jesus?
Happy 420 😂