What is your favourite blur song
I hate how this sub has become almost like a circle jerk for Beatles fans
Name one bad thing about this album
“They are all S Tier!”
“Hello, Lars? Yes James won’t eat his vegetables”
What are your Top 10 Stones Songs?
What's the best Simpsons catchphrase?
Top 10 Three Album Runs of the 21st Century
Jeep Lentil and the Burpies
Aftermath UK is the best album of 1966...
Thoughts on Between The Buttons?
this was the first tribute album to the beatles
Time for Some Gym Song Recommendations. What's the Stones' HEAVIEST Song?
Happy 24th Birthday to Warning, the most underrated album.
Have the Stones ever stole songs?
Name a song no one can make you hate
I just think he's neat!
Which Stones Song Has the BEST Vocals by Keef?
Need help finding a ROM
Sweet Virginia won Best Country Song! What's the Stones' Best Cover Song?
This is circulating again so why not? Tell Me Your Favourite Green Day Song
Tell me your favourite queen song
AJFA with bass.
Make your own Metallica album.