How do you guys feel about Erron Black?
What is your opinion on brotherships music
Best final boss
I finished brothership
What is the name of the final boss music
What's the best style for the tier 100?
He’s ok 👁️👄👁️
Describe this season with on word
What’s your thoughts about the new keyart?
Does anybody know the name of the sound effect used when Ghostface Stabs?
What is the goofiest character combos you seen while playing invasion or the ending of the game story ?
Me when I lose a fortnite mash
Leon claw unboxing
Helm knight unboxing
We Know that this Christmas guff is going to be the winter fest skin next season, but do we know what the 2nd skin will be yet? Any Ideas?
I love this game
My beyblade collection
Favorite NRS Noob Design?
Which Is The Best Season of CH4 ?
Has every Season 4 slapped?
What's your favorite skin for the next season's battle pass? I'll go first:
Paper jam
Beyblade x vs burst
My beyblade x competitive combos