Post valentine day post, post your favorite artwork of your favorite ship
Is it okay if I put this note into the mailbox of a very loud neighbour, or can I get into trouble for that?
What is it being used for in the second picture?
What kind of flaws do you think Mavuika should have had?
I Thought Gathering Wives Is a Meme...
Van értelme itthoni MSc-nek ha külföld a cél 3-4 éves távlatban?
Notorious Ranger Marketing on behalf of Telekom - is it a scam?
You are fifth this week actually
Aight enough math for me today
why do most people think it isn’t ok for a man to hit a woman back if she hits him first?
Nektek már bizsergett a másiktól a fejetek ? Szeretitek?
Realistic/bittersweet romance manga recommendations
International Driving License in Hungary?
Játékfejlesztői bérek Magyarországon
Do women really care about height?
Gazdagabb nő
Possible to move to hungary as a self taught developer with 1+ yoe in UK?
I want to hear the other people's thoughts first before i make my own judgement.
Wedding dress on a tight budget - I am getting doubts about it, what could be changed so it looks more flattering?
Nem tudom mit tegyek, elég tanácstalannak érzem magam, lehet szerintetek erre megoldás, vagy ennek már vége?
It’s been three years since my ex fiancée intentionally crashed her car to end her life but killed our daughter instead.
Yes, I am a feminist therefore I want men to punch me in the face.
AITA for making my wife cry several times over work?
What is a German equivalence of an Associate degree?
the replies are even more insane😭 i cannot believe some people actually think this way. like this is extremely concerning.