Reload guard points seem completely random
Doesn't this look like the rift stone in monster hunter wilds? DLC soon?
Any recommendations for a game set in an more pre modern and eastern world as in east Asia could be a fictional world or a world based on real places
Savage Axe is shit and ruined CB for me.
Mass Effect Trilogy gotta be the worst games if you have OCD about getting perfect endings
Which class is in a sweet spot for raiding in TBC where they're highly desired yet not overrepresented?
Banned: Exploitative activity: abuse of economy
Catching up on some professions at work
INTP male dominant
What on Nightslayer (NA) isn’t for sale?
My crush turned out to be a blackpiller incel
Does anyone else get incredibly envious when they hear the idealised life girls are meant to live?
He wanted to try out Dragon Soul
Ret paladins are the golden boys of the Alliance - R11 gear complete!
Created Simple Mulit-Mob Threat Tracker Addon for Classic
Nintendo Switch Has Reached 150 Million Units Sold, Only 10M Units Away From Overtaking The PS2(160M) As The Best Selling Console Of All Time
Trade scam for 900 gold
What do you believe will happen in the story??
First time playing Classic, and today I finally hit level 60! Despite all the skepticism about Paladins not being able to tank, I’ve tanked every dungeon on my way to max level—and man, it has been so much fun!
Broadsword only officially recognizes some bugs from the most recent update, but many have issues gone unfixed for years, so I have compiled a list of nearly all bugs plaguing the game, regardless of patch
Just joined this guild.. first thing I see on discord.. seems like a nice, non-toxic atmosphere **/gquits**
20 years ago today (January 25th 2005) earliest screenshot proof of someone in game with Baron Rivendare's epic mount
How the duck did Mass Effect: Legendary Edition come out almost 4 years ago lmfao