ATM10: Since when does the Digital Miner need Vibranium? All my old recipes in AE2 are now red...
Germany's election winner Merz: Europe Must Reach Defence 'Independence' Of US
Soon to be EU18 Guild looking for new members!
Is this RMT in Delta Force?
Prepared for FS2024
So I can throw Stone into Lava, but I can't throw Fish into the pond?
Gleba cured my Factorio addiction (after 1400+ hours of playtime). For the first time, I no longer feel the urge to start up the game.
2.4 GW Fusion Reactor
Just beat Space Age, a summary and retrospective
Weekly Question Thread
How can we create oil on Fulgora ? Or do we have to bring it ?
Got into my first car accident today!
Folge 3 Gossip
US presidential candidate speaking in public
ComfyUI - Creating Game Icons base on realtime drawing
Can't find painter design
Bayern stärkt Kinderschutz durch Kiffverbot im Biergarten. Was machen Kinder in einem Biergarten?
Welche Partei werdet ihr zur Europawahl wählen?
Derzeitige Liste der Apotheken und deren Lieferstatus (02.05., 09:00 Uhr)
Da hier so viele ihre Problemchen mit biobizz Erde haben , hier eine kleine Info.
Ich war Großbauer/Dealer... AMA
Cat chasing another cat POV.
The 4 gas giants captured by the James Webb Telescope
AlgeaCare Rezept ohne Sprechstunde