Opinion: Paying a bit extra for the Bambu filament with the RFID tags is totally worth it to me.
what does my fridge say about me?
I don't know who needs to hear this, but: you might be using the scraper wrong
Tattoo regret - please help me deal with it
My neighbor swapped their broken trashcan with ours.
A request from my toddler
2500hrs later and received a notification due to this
Can they hurry????
That'll be a thousand dollars please
Poop not going down chute?
How should I furnish this condo landing?
My contribute to the weird hand post
I did a thing
Yall are a bad influence
First time soldering, did I do good? /s is 300 degrees enough?
What can I use to stop the flapping type noise?
Honey leaking from an electrical outlet due to a beehive inside the wall
V2 Safariland style Level II holster
What are you grabbing first?
What do our fridge and freezer say about us?
Saw this on the road today, what kind of paint job?
Just bought a box of cereal today. Still unopened.
Five guys tastes great but this is too much
Spent almost $2k for a top quality printer and the easiest print in the world still has a line. Smh my head.
Wrapped my bike