Add me and send gifts please 8754 3103 0148
Looking for a favour
Do you get any extra stuff when you purchase a deluxe edition a second time ??
Using the trombones
About the cartridges drops
Anyone who’s beat rayquaza what nature did you get ??
Quick question about the shiny rayquaza raid
Is there another chance to get these item skins like does this event return or do they come up in a sale or anything ??
So I wanna fuse the armored tank tracks you know the scavengers purple ones ??
How do i beat this guy ??
About this winter event …
8754 3103 0148 need eggs
So I just replayed entire first rogue manhunt and didn’t get the final comm or backpack trophy ??
I’m officially annoyed now, descent is a complete waste of time
Add me and send gifts please asap and I’ll do the same for you
So I’ve defeated nemesis every week and made it to loop 20 but haven’t been awarded a patch for this current season ??
Is the code steenee you get from worlds 2024 nature always random ??
So I just did the day 1 research for ItsAXN’s sableye and did get it just the candy for the route I chose ??
Regarding the paid timed research
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Can someone help me calculate a CP
Quick question about fusion
Need new Pokemon go friends to exchange eggs
Please send gifts 8754 3103 0148
Need gifts urgently