It's the last time swear!
My sister just finished her exam week and I cooked her some tonkatsu to celebrate!
I’m 70% water, why was I denied a blood test if I drank a glass a half hour before?
There's something suspicious about the way my loggers are cutting down trees and how my foresters are planting them
FOR GONDOR!!!! (and Jesus Christ)
UP: Are internships a huge factor in job-seeking?
What would happen if I put two different strains of bacteria (shirota from yakult) and (lactobacillus from yogurt) into the same mixture and leave to ferment?
"JEWMPIRE? The UPD hoes are around the corner, correct the typo quick!"
High intensity games crash after 20-30 mins, OCCT says i have thousands of errors on my physical core
Suggestion for airbnbs around UPD
Totoo ba tong update sa UVLE CALENDAR??
Could Egill Skallagrimsson's work be translated into Younger Futhark/Anglo Saxon Futhorc or is it too contemporary for that?
i lost myself because of up (?)
Is this runic translation of a stanza of the Havamal correct?
Most consistent I’ve been after 3 years of blown accounts
Sa mga “BS Org” or may org currently, what do you like about it?
wich time frame you do your analysis?
[EMAIL] Carlo Angelo Sonday
Daily Discussion - November 24, 2021 (GMT+0)
Me accepting an invite to go to a 10km "fun run" knowing full well that I get winded just jogging up the stairs
The fact that you're alive right now means you belong to a bloodline that's survived for 3.5 billion years
I think Netflix needs to double check their cropped show icons
Any tips to plan/create large scale battles?
The sea Elves
What is the absolute best smell you've experienced while cooking? Mine is when onions get thrown and mixed into really hot roux