Post Kidney Transplant 5 days
Giorgio T.
Hands shaky for how long?
What triggers your anxiety?
Here we go folks, it's on.
Spring Forward 2025
What's the story behind your username?
The Bat Dance
Did Upper Leg Numbness Go Away 100% for Any of You?
Round Guy On Square Paper
What are you starting to dislike more and more the older you get?
Am I The Only Mexican...
Karaoke info
I suck at protests
28 and on dialysis
When Work Doesn't Care If You Die
How did you deal with mostly indoor animals after receiving a kidney?
What do yall think the climate will be like in the 956 in the foreseeable future?
Who is this?
There was no happy ending for dog that was dumped may he rest in peace (John Doe)
Recent liver x-plant med ?s
Permanent Brain Fog
How do you guys get your stickers cut so cleanly?