This is normal right…
I'm using this laptop for around 3 months now. It got heating problem.
Is my gpu cooked?
What does the outter left icon mean?
Get a win streak and this will be your support (master elo btw)
Current female vocalist with strongest voice?
What Is my laptop doing
my laptop keeps turn on night light mode when i boot up.
How can i stop windows from auto turn on night light after start.
Why do they make arrow keys like this?
What stops you from calling her perfect?
Welp, it was only a matter of time
Was buying a HP Envy x360 a mistake?
My mouse stopped appearing on bluetooth connection after change the battery.
Your month your Valentine girl
My HP is getting hot for no reason at all.
is there any app that i should keep in these?
No, no, NO!! OH GOD WHY!? (MLA)
What's your opinion on Corin?
Is it normal to have a brand new laptop run this loud?
How cute would you rate Yanagi?
Looking for incredibly specific type of laptop
Guys, my Ellen Joe looks strange.
My Ellen looks kinda weird
What did you name your cat?