What if we could substitute the A1 bombs with drop pods for ODST/Helldivers style shock troops? (it could be a tight fit but i think its doable in medium armor and no backpack)
Which is the best way to evade a beak thing?
[Mighty Morphing Power Rangers] What was the US government doing while Rita and Lord Zedd was sending monsters every week?
To NOT be as creepy as possible while shaking hands. Again.
Seeing the new ATLS makes me wish we could get industrial eva suits that are focused on salvage. Also, watch Magnetic Rose.
I'm tired...
How Tibia's open-PvP made it one of the most interesting social experiences in the MMORPG genre.
It's a proportional response! - @kateleth
Tier 1 Recovery and Ship Provisioning
Mostly peaceful animals
Christians are super duper persecuted. This JPG says so!
This is what happens without due process
Hangar just destroyed my C2 with all the Tin in it
I just bought a Reclaimer
Hanbu the lost hiver
Sometimes, Star Citizen can be one hell of a trip
Why Item Recovery and Item Insurance is Essential For A Player Driven Economy
I am a mercenary inserted into the Knox county one week before the outbreak (Week One mod) with the goal of extracting after my missions are done (Wolf's extraction mod). You are HQ. What are my missions?
How did you finish the event? We wrapped ours up by hauling Corundum and Copper from ERT & VHRT missions. Easy and fun!
Default stance when holding a weapon should be changed
Found a strange untextured Heavy Helmet
[Invincible] How much did Atom Eve increase the density of the air?
CIG if you’re buffing the Valk, can you not give it more HP as well so it gets more in line with its commercial?
Clean video of the VOLT Parallax
Collision Physics Update - GREAT ! Looks like the Aurora is not a Torpedo for the Polaris anymore !