Picking this bad boy up on Wednesday!!
Bobie got some new ink
Abandoned Time Capsule
Amazon reminder
Please remove me or make me look nicer in this picture with my baby
Got a sweet cryptic puppy ♥️ what should we name her?
Are These Flavors Only Available In Jail/Prison?
Strawberry Hot Springs
Need some reasons not to end it all
Now Coming For Protesters
Throwing up sobbing spiralling spent 3 hours getting ready for nothing please help
Sound advice after a visit to the BST…
Boomer wore a DOGE shirt to the grocery store
I'm a professional carpet cleaner in UK - ask me anything.
Recently moved into this house. Curious about the weird base of this tree. What can we do?
Punching bag
What's your nightshift job?
Found at the thrift for $10!!
Found burnt in my oven after pre heating it not realizing it was in there. More info in post
Thought I'd leave this here.
Me (38) @ 317 in October 2023 to 217 (39) in October 2024 - a little late posting.
I think RFK is using Trump's bronzer
Open letter to Denver Mayor / Insurance Rates - Expired Plates
What gets you through a 12hr night shift?
Stumbled upon this legendary masterpiece last weekend