This school portrait company prints and sends an “Entire Package” to every family and asks you to pay and keep what you want and return the unwanted sheets.
Landlord put a 2nd fake window on my rental
Cookie paw
What is this?
Party Foul
Maybe your taste buds are broken
Cleaning out my friends house found this…
Better Roads: Who Do We Contact?
This passenger on a flight to Hawaii named Jyrl Oldham who was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2021 is suprised by the cabin crew as they announce she is cancer free (2022).
Who knew that a spoon could be so versatile?
Who is the person that you get dirty thoughts of but never done anything with?
How soft do you think she is? I promise you she is softer than that 😍
This is my boat bengal named Askhim
never gonna forget this kitty from the shelter
My grandma just shared this.
The sky tonight
Impatient Cyclist Just Couldn’t Wait For The Train To Pass
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Got this cute tattoo! My dad said it looks like a pot leaf, I don’t see it but does it?
Jack Daniel's is being removed from shelves in canada
Are we still on about this?
Guess who just latched onto my finger cause they thought it was a pea treat
Can you share pics of your rainbow pups? I want to see who she is playing with up there!
how is living in the city of North Vancouver for those in the 20s