Buddy stepped on a trap thing at extraction and everytime I revive him he just instantly dies. It will not let me extract unless he is alive and i’ve already revived him like 4 times and I have no more medkits
Have a slightly odd request for you fine folks here.
Crytek needs to learn to admit when they were wrong
Charms should be equipped to skin not to weapon.
It baffles me that thrown tools still despawn
mission summary screen popping up twice for months now, do they not plan to fix this long standing issue at all?
Question regarding Soul Survivor.
can you tell me which gun is this??
How do I get this?
Immediate facepalm moment
Tournament with a prize pool; 1st 500, 2nd 250, 3rd 150
This game is beautiful, fluid and so much fun, except for one thing
Update 2.2 Update Survey Results
Today's 48 Bloodbond skin: The Collins
On Average How Much Do Your Loadouts Cost?
is this a relatable crashout?
I never seen so much golden cards
Did I go against a cheater or is there something I don't know about?
Has deadeye zoom been always this lame?
We should be able to sell contraband weapons
Exploration Tour won't complete?
Drew these boss sprites a while ago. What do you think?
Is cheating common in the game? Triying to decide buying to pc or console
PSA: Todays 48bb deal, Brother’s Keeper
New player and i want to talk about the audio of this game