Trading my whole Inventory! lf on last page! I use elve for pets, and then amtv for others unlisted on elve
Should I do this? I am turtle
Trading all except locked
Trading inventory. Looking for evil rocks but all offers are welcomed
What's a pet you have NEVER seen ingame?
Downsizing my inventory and getting rid of my randoms (please offer im lowkey going insane looking at the ahh randoms😭)
Lf offers! (stuff im currently lf is last pg ^^) I will take all offers into consideration so feel free to offer even if its not smth im looking for! :)
W/F/L I am the honey badger
Anyone? I'm left
Should I do this? I am left
Should I give it pots?
Lf this
trading all these pets
Should I do these? I am left for all 3 slides
Trading inventory, LOOK AT THE ENTIRE POST, thank you ☺️
Should I do this? I am dal
Trading! LF in comments! Please read what I want BEFORE you offer, thank you!!