Solo Queue is Insufferable as a Girl
On Cache you can smoke deep a main from ct base
me and my friend sitting across from each other in class
What is your least favorite comp to play yourself?
Petition to RIOT, please make the remake a thing where you need just 1 vote
When and what was your biggest "oh god I messed up" moment in set 13?
Your username becomes a religion. What happens now?
Which mode do you guys think that is the equivalent from League's ARAM?
Throwers vs Toxic Teammates
Shoutout to my team that decided to force a draw instead of taking a free win from a cheater
And was forced to give away
Agent Bans for Ranked and Pro Play
It is time to nerf Clove IMO OR buff the other controllers
Typing "afk" in all chat when your teamate is afk is trolling.
Ranked Mental and Being Kind
Game runs in background even after exiting?
What happened to the community?
performed better on laptop than external monitor?
Thoughts on Haven Being Removed.
How do I *politely* tell my friend that I won't play ranked with him if he keeps filling?
Every agent gets one additional charge to their abilities. Who becomes the most OP?
Agent Idea
Stop give me MVP
Which rank has the highest skill disparity?
TOP 10 players with the most Raze Ult Kills in VCT 2023 Season. Data from