The season 1 ranked experience.
Hunting… has changed…
Is there a lore reason why these ads are fucking everywhere i hate them so fucking much
Will You listen?
Who Else Wishes Intros Like These Were Mvp Highlights Instead.
Stand ready for my arrival, Wyvern!
Anyone miss the old Home Screen?
Anyone else disappointed by his moveset?
Why doesn’t Scarlet Witch just shut up during her ultimate to make it less noticeable? Is she dumb?
Is this how every single round on Super Soldier Factory starts for anyone else?
From the official Minecraft movie account
This is the worst pop-up menu in the game. Please just automatically send the item when I'm full. Why do I have to go through 2 menus, press 3 buttons, all while my entire view is obscured...
MH has the perfect colab opportunity.
Capcom has the perfect FF colab opportunity.
Female characters with crooked noses.
How me and bro on voice chat feel when getting through the story parts waiting for the brief time we hunt together.
Hey bro, the enemy team has 3 flyers, can you pls switch off Magik? Teammate punk Magik:
We all got fooled! NoDmgRocket Got Exposed by WintonOW2, The Biggest Healbotter Is Boosted by a OAA 4 stacks, Has Terrible Positioning And Couldn't even Aim with C&D
I think this would look cool
Put some color into it
This is how I de-stress after a game against wolverine
Didn’t realize I’d hate these characters so much now
I did a chart thing (personality wise)