Nightmare felt like easy mode
Who is Your Least-Mainstream/Most-Obscure Grailed Servant?
News ways to build your party after many playthroughs?
NEW Olden Era Info
What are your thoughts (positive and negative) about chapter IV?
Divide and Conquer v5 review; great mod with some terrible game design
(Homm5) How does boosting Maiden and Minotaur growth work?
Why do people say mods are necessary?
Heavy And Massive Armor For Dwarves And Is Blood Dragon OP?
Are you supoused to use 2 different classes?
Council takes way too slow to do anything
What’s the worst creature?
Forum brings up good points about Adventurers
Massive Darkness 2 Hellscape: better than original MD. Still not a great dungeon crawler
I have to be doing something horribly wrong, please help.
What Even Makes A Higher Tier Shield Better?
Fairly new player to DAO, any random knowledge you guys can lay upon me?
Not maining a Rogue; locked chests and traps all day long
For those of you unaware, Authoritarianism is VERY viable in this patch
Does anyone else wish Nightmare was harder?
Why are my companions freezing??
Might ruffle a few feathers with this one
Adventurer (Shield Rogue) build discussion
Can anyone explain why incest is supposedly so OP?
Kukuku, the wind may be strong. But it shouldn't be throwing punches! It's the LB7 part 2 roll thread!