Hatet mot mjukisbyxor?
Why do people in ARAM feel like wanting to win is a bad thing?
Top 50-350 Coins that havent pumped yet
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Heads up, if you get kicked during a raid boss and they kill it, you get lockout but can't roll loot
KRC20 Tokens are a Gold Mine
Forced to be cancer
Why do i don´t get any objetivs?
what exactly is a "pet" in Swarm?
Fnatic vs. Team Liquid / MSI 2024 - Lower Bracket Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion
Exclusively playing only ARAMs has been such a rewarding, enjoyable, and positive gaming experience for me
What is the least powerful basic ability.
This guy is playing on 5 accounts at once
What am I missing with this MH-370 debacle? asks John Greenewald, Jr.
Riot make an item that makes all champion projectiles travel 100% faster, which champions become broken?
Looking to buy a new PC, how does these specs look. Anything I should change?
What are some unspoken Aram rules/ things your group does when playing Aram?
FNC vs MAD Game 2 Discussion
Fnatic vs MAD Lions - LEC Season Finals Semifinals G1
Patch 13.17 Notes
Team BDS vs. SK Gaming / LEC 2023 Season Finals - Losers' Bracket Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion
BDS vs. SK / LEC / Season Finals Lower Round - Game 1
13.17 Full Patch Preview
Which film can be summed up as 'nothing really happens'?
My favorite zoe clip xD