No Rogue Rulings Act
Knocking while taking a shower
I forgot to include the standard of review in a motion to dismiss…
Are there any online resources that can help me convert guitar chords into a bass line?
White is up a pawn. Can you find the 'brilliant' move for Black and turn the game?
Previous lawyer put up a weak case, leaves the firm and I inherit the case. Client is furious. Need guidance.
NBD I'm Stoked! After playing a lot of different basses, MM it is.
Judge called me in chambers and said my talents are under utilized
Reality is BAR will not give a proper remedy unless we put them in “legal check”
CA spending a dead person's money
Everyone knows how fast Bruce Lee was, but no one talks about his brother who's even faster.
I found out that my coworker smells my T-shirt every day.
Husband said why can’t I let him be a man
What bass amp should I get?
Would it be weird if thanked my old middle school teacher for never giving up on me ?
My beautiful wife has stage 4 Breast Cancer in her early 40's and we have a 6 year old and 1 year old. I stay positive and don't let her know how scared I am. AMA
A police officer rear ended me which caused me to rear end a sedan and “injure” the driver. The city says I’m at fault for the injuries of the sedan
Advice: Don't record yourself and listen to it later. [DISCUSSION]
My boyfriend wants to open the couple, what do you think?
Is Ukulele a guitar
How do I reject someone I know and can't avoid?
My kid likes music but FREAKS when I play guitar!
This sub during FA
I seriously don't get it